• 0322-6556885

Hardcore Series MYO-SR SR9009 Stenabolic Pakistan

MYO-SR works by supporting improved metabolic function and by enabling greater performance during endurance activity. With a unique mechanism of action not previously seen, MYO-SR has been suggested to be "exercise in a bottle." SR9009 is best understood as a supplement that mediates optimal metabolic function, being described often as an exercise mimetic or something that can provide similar effects as can be expected from exercise.

It works by increasing mitochondrial function in muscle cells, which in turn supports increased metabolic function as well as enhanced fuel utilization in the body. With the potential to positively affect both endurance and cardio performance as well as supporting your weight loss goals. MYO-SR opens up a new frontier in ergogenic supplementation.

MYO-SR SR9009 Advantages

  1. Weight Management:Stenabolic increases the body's capacity to burn fat, which speeds up metabolism and causes weight reduction. Even when at rest, it increases energy expenditure.
  2. Strengthens Cardiovascular Health: It may improve cardiovascular health by lowering inflammation and bad cholesterol (LDL).
  3. Regulates Cholesterol and Liver Health: This implies a reduction in cholesterol, which could improve metabolic health in general.
  4. Physical Performance: Stenabolic aids athletes in maintaining high-performance activities for extended periods of time by enhancing oxygen consumption and mitochondrial function in muscles.
  5. Oxygen Efficiency: Increased oxygen intake during physical activity improves endurance and lessens fatigue.
  6. Anti-Inflammatory Response: The substance might have anti-inflammatory qualities that help minimize joint pain and hasten muscle recovery.
  7. Encourages Relaxation:Some people claim that it improves their mood, which may be related to how it affects neural networks.
  8. Prevents Excess Fat Accumulation: Stenabolic agents encourage fat oxidation and stop the body from storing too much fat.
  9. Alertness and Mental Sharpness:The body's circadian cycle may be regulated by steenabolics, which would increase energy and alertness throughout the day.
  10. Mitochondrial Function: Greater energy synthesis from more mitochondria enhances muscular function and endurance.

Suggested Use

Take 1 capsule, 1-3 times a day, which is equivalent to 10 mg of SR 9009 (Stenabolic).

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