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RAD140 Testolone 10mg 60 capsules Swole

To understand how Testolone functions, it's helpful to first look at how traditional steroids work. Steroids are synthetic versions of testosterone that produce both anabolic and androgenic effects. Anabolic effects include muscle growth, while androgenic effects influence sexual characteristics such as testicular enlargement and facial hair development.  

Steroids work by stimulating androgen receptors in muscle cells, leading to increased protein production. This not only enhances protein synthesis but also reduces protein breakdown, allowing users to perform more intense physical activities and recover faster. 

 How Testolone (RAD-140) Works  

Testolone (RAD-140), although similar in function, has a different chemical structure than traditional steroids. This structural difference allows it to specifically target muscle and bone tissue without significantly affecting sexual organs, making it a more selective alternative.

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